Orion Technology
Finding a more effective solution
GFU’s current Automated Meter Reader (AMR) system is read on a once-a-month basis. Designed specifically for water and gas applications, the new solution will not only save on meter reading time, but it will also provide real-time information to help with monitoring and managing use and maintenance. A two-way fixed network solution, ORION SE and ME works with Beacon Advanced Metering Analytics software to increase productivity and boost customer service. Once deployed, each ORION SE and ME endpoint will synchronize communication with the gateway transceiver at GFU to process reading data. A hand-held reader will be used as a back-up reading device and to read gas meters outside of the listening area of the city boundaries.
After the data is collected, it will be aggregated at a central server and analyzed utilizing Beacon Software, which converts raw metering data into meaningful decision-making information and utility system management reports, as well as meter reads for billing purposes. The system captures and provides the right information at the right time, helping utilities to respond quickly to customers, answer questions and resolve billing disputes.
GFU will have the ability to present data with overlays from the National Weather Service, which will allow them to show customers what may have affected their use of water or gas on an hourly basis, compared to the weather data.
At a utility customer level, the new system will also pinpoint areas of continuous use, which signals potential leaks. Customers can be notified, so they can make necessary repairs. At a system level, it will enable the city to monitor the amount of water it purchases from the rural water system, versus the amount it sells to customers. This will help the city to detect lost water and potential system leaks or issues that need repair. Other system features include tampering alarms, no usage alarms and register errors. Additional benefits of the system are 98 percent reading accuracy, improved reader safety, and less wear and tear on vehicles.